Saturday, December 28, 2019

25 Million Stitches

This project was started by Jennifer Kim Sohn from Sacramento. My participation (besides being compulsive) was completed in December 2019, De Doorns. I feel a great sense of walking and connecting the footprints between the words of Weihnachten, celebration, family and goodwill. Again I try to stitch in as many conversations around the landscape, refugees and the migration of families, after all, I am the child of a migrant.

The embroidery on cotton measuring 168 cm x 22 cm is called 'Fight or Flight'

And is meant to be 'read' from right to left.

'Mindfull Stitching' is about recording thoughts and anxiety around the safety of 6,7 million refugees from Syria, from Afghanistan there are 2,7 million people migrating, and in Myanmar the records shows 1,1 million people in panic and fear. From Somalia we hear of 900,000 people on the move and another 720,000 from the Sudan region. The Republic of Congo makes up the last of the current total of 720,300 refugees mostly coming to South Africa.

And sending the parcel to Sacramento in the next week to be part of the exhibition for Refugee Day 20 June 2020.

Our first full installation will be at the Verge Center for the Arts, 625 S Street, 
Sacramento, CA
June 5–August 15, 2020
Opening Reception: Friday, June 5, 5–7pm

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